Take the quiz

Instructions: Answer each question by choosing the option that best describes your current situation. Once you’ve completed all 10 questions, see which letter you picked the most to find out how protected your business is.


  1. Have you chosen the right business entity for your needs (LLC, S Corp, etc.)?
    a. Yes, I’ve done my research.
    b. I picked one, but I’m not sure it’s right.
    c. No, I just followed what someone told me to do.

  2. If you have an LLC, are you confident that you’re meeting all compliance requirements?
    a. Yes, I’m fully compliant.
    b. I try to keep up, but I’m not always sure.
    c. No, I’m not even sure what the requirements are.

  3. Do you have a clear refund policy that protects both you and your customers?
    a. Yes, it’s documented and clear.
    b. I have one, but it’s not detailed.
    c. No, I handle refunds case-by-case.

  4. Do you have contracts in place for all your business dealings, including clients, partnerships, and collaborations?
    a. Yes, I don’t do business without a contract.
    b. I have some contracts, but not for everything.
    c. No, I often rely on verbal agreements or emails.

  5. Have you had issues with chargebacks, and do you have a strategy in place to handle them?
    a. Yes, I’m fully prepared with clear policies.
    b. I’ve had issues, but I handle them as they come.
    c. No, I don’t have a specific strategy.

  6. Are your marketing texts and emails compliant with current laws (like the CAN-SPAM Act)?
    a. Yes, I make sure all my communications are compliant.
    b. I think so, but I’m not completely sure.
    c. No, I’ve never really checked.

  7. Is your website ADA compliant, ensuring it’s accessible to all users?
    a. Yes, I’ve taken steps to ensure compliance.
    b. I’ve done some things, but I’m not sure if it’s enough.
    c. No, I didn’t even know I needed to do that.


Mostly A’s: You’re doing great at staying on top of your business’s legal needs, and it’s clear you care about protecting what you’ve built. But even when you’re well-prepared, new challenges will arise as you grow—whether it’s updating your contracts, navigating compliance changes, or protecting your content. These are just part of the journey, and being aware of what’s ahead can keep you prepared.

Mostly B’s: You’ve made some great strides, but legal challenges can sneak up on even the most diligent business owners. From handling refunds and chargebacks to keeping up with compliance regulations, it’s a lot to manage, and it’s okay to feel uncertain at times. Staying informed and proactive will help you manage these hurdles as they come.

Mostly C’s: It’s completely normal to feel a bit overwhelmed by the legal side of running a business. There’s a lot to consider—compliance, contracts, protecting your content—and it’s easy to miss things when you’re juggling everything else. Awareness is the first step, and knowing what to look out for will help you feel more confident as you navigate these challenges.

Don't want to try and figure it out on your own? 

Navigating the legal landscape of business ownership can feel daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. The CEO Legal Kit is here to help with practical advice, essential templates, and clear steps tailored to the unique needs of online business owners.

It’s not about solving every problem but about having a reliable resource to turn to whenever legal questions come up. If you’re looking for support on your journey, The CEO Legal Kit is here to guide you forward.

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Is Your Business Legally Protected?

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